North Carolina Oilheat Is Safe.
From Chapel Hill to Wilmington, North Carolina homeowners depend on Oilheat to keep their homes safe, warm and comfortable throughout the coldest months of the year. Local residents can safely rely on Oilheat because it is one of the safest energy sources available. Here’s why:
Oilheat is non-explosive and non-flammable in its liquid state. In order to light heating oil on fire, it must be heated at above 140 degrees, the temperature at which it begins to vaporize.
Oilheat systems give off visible warning signs in case of a malfunction. If something goes wrong with your system, it releases smoke or soot as an early indicator of a problem long before dangerous levels of carbon monoxide levels could be produced. Though carbon monoxide leaks are extremely rare, it is recommended that you have your heating equipment serviced regularly to ensure its safe and efficient operation. To schedule your annual heating system tune-up, find an NC Oilheat dealer near you.
Modern Oilheat tanks are strong and unlikely to leak, because they’re built using state-of-the-art materials. In addition, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) has produced a pamphlet titled “Above Ground Storage Tanks: How to Prevent Spills and Leaks,” which provides some valuable Prevention Tips that can help you keep your home safe and comfortable, with the assistance of an NC Oilheat Dealer, for many years to come.