North Carolina Oilheat Is Clean
North Carolina homeowners and their communities deserve a heating source that’s clean both inside and out, and Oilheat definitely fits the bill. Plus, thanks to advancements like ultra-low sulfur heating oil, Oilheat is now cleaner than ever. Here’s how:
Oilheat burns cleanly. Today's Oilheat burns 95 percent cleaner than in 1970. Low sulfur products and renewable biofuels, such as those made from soy beans, reduce Oilheat’s already near-zero emissions even further.
Ultra-low sulfur heating oil contains just 15 parts per million (ppm) sulfur. This cleaner blend not only reduces your heating system’s emissions, but also helps improve your system’s overall performance.
Oilheat already produces such a negligible amount of emissions that it isn’t even regulated by the Federal Clean Air Act.
Oil storage tanks pose no threat to North Carolina communities, because Oilheat is non-toxic, non-carcinogenic and biodegradable. In fact, over 175,000 North Carolina homes enjoy the clean comfort of Oilheat.
Bioheat® Fuel
Bioheat® fuel — heating oil blended with biodegradable, organic materials such as soybean oil — is one of the “hottest” things happening in home comfort. Renewable and non-toxic, Bioheat® fuel is not only kind to Mother Earth; it’s kind to heating systems, too.
Bioheat® fuel Characteristics:
- Domestically produced, soy-based Bioheat® fuel can literally be grown at home — helping to support our nation’s farmers and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.
- It is extremely clean burning.
- It has the highest Btu content of any alternative fuel.
Bioheat® fuel Benefits for Homeowners:
- Bioheat® fuel produces the same satisfying heat as “regular oil.”
- It costs just about the same as “regular oil.”
- It lubricates heating system.
- You don’t have to make any modifications to your burner or tank.
- You don’t have to buy any new equipment.
- You don’t have to change your budget plan, payment plan, service contract or warranties.