For Homeowners
Heating Equipment Options | ENERGY STAR® | Conservation Tips | FAQs
Upgrade and Save with Your NC Oilheat Dealer
The verdict is in: modern Oilheat equipment is more reliable, efficient and environmentally friendly than ever. Thus, North Carolina homeowners can save as much as 40 percent on their annual fuel costs by upgrading to high-efficiency Oilheat equipment. And most importantly, you can reduce your expenses while actually increasing your comfort level. That’s because Oilheat technology has advanced incredibly over the past decade, with innovations such as the oil-condensing furnace driving home heating to new heights of efficiency and performance.
Systems like the Thermo Pride Oil Condensing Furnace can achieve best-in-class annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) ratings of 96 percent or higher, meaning that 96 percent of the fuel burned by this system is turned directly into warmth for your home. This model and many other modern Oilheat systems have achieved the EPA’s ENERGY STAR® label, indicating that they have been tested to pass high-efficiency standards without sacrificing performance. That’s what you can expect from an upgraded Oilheat system.
With an NC Oilheat dealer installing your new equipment, you can also count on a job done right. NC Oilheat technicians attend NORA classes, as well as manufacturer training courses, in order to attain the knowledge and skills necessary to install and configure high-tech Oilheat systems in a way that achieves optimum performance and efficiency. This translates to maximum comfort and savings for you and your family. In fact, contracting an NC Oilheat dealer for a heating system upgrade opens the door to numerous state and manufacturer rebates.
Here are just a few of the rebate programs in which NC Oilheat dealers are participating for 2016-2017:
If you’re looking to make your home warmer and more efficient, then find and contact an NC Oilheat dealer near you. Even if your home heating system isn’t due for an upgrade, an annual tune-up can reduce your energy expenses by up to 10 percent, and many NC Oilheat dealers offer them as part of their value-added service plans
Heating Equipment Options
Deciding on the right equipment is essential for perfect home comfort. So when it's time for a new system, your NC Oilheat dealer will want to review your home, needs, and budget to determine what equipment is best for you. Here are some situations that might warrant considering a new system or upgrade:
Size of home and family
Obviously, it is necessary to know the size of the property to figure out how much heat is needed. Certain home sizes or styles have an ideal heating system match, and your provider needs to know how many people will be depending on this system.
Pattern of hot water usage in the home (showers, cooking, laundry, etc.)
This is especially important when a new water heater is being considered. The number of people in the house, and their hot water usage, must be analyzed. When are showers taken, and for how long? What time of day is most of the laundry and cooking done? This information will make it easier for your home comfort specialist to find equipment that satisfies your particular family's schedules.
New additions and other renovations
Even with each season's unpredictable weather, your family does develop a home heating pattern. However, a major change in your home can affect this pattern. If you are planning a new addition or major renovation, tell your service provider.
Allergies and poor indoor air quality
No one likes constant sneezing or sniffling as a direct effect of seasonal allergies. Allergies and other respiratory problems may be exacerbated by dry indoor air. Dry air can reduce your heating system’s efficiency and effectiveness: as moisture from indoor air evaporates, the temperature falls, causing you to turn up the heat and, therefore, use extra energy. Installing a humidifier can improve your home’s air quality and help you conserve energy.
Not enough hot water or uneven heating throughout the home
Everyone wants plenty of hot water and even heating throughout the home for all-around comfort. As much as half of the energy you use goes to cool and heat your home, so why burn money – literally – when you can choose a clean, quiet, dependable, new heating system. If there are heating problems, please make sure that your home comfort provider knows about them so that they can be solved.
Energy Star®
ENERGY STAR® is a joint program of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Department of Energy helping us all save money and protect the environment through energy efficient products and practices.
Results are already adding up. As of December 2013, families and businesses have saved approximately $295 billion on their utility bills and prevented more than 2.1 billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions over the past two decades.
ENERGY STAR® helps you make the energy efficient choice.
If looking for new household products, look for ones that have earned the ENERGY STAR®. They meet strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the EPA and US Department of Energy. If looking for a new home, look for one that has earned the ENERGY STAR®.
If looking to make larger improvements to your home, EPA offers tools and resources to help you plan and undertake projects to reduce your energy bills and improve home comfort.
Did you know that if just 1-in-10 households purchased ENERGY STAR® equipment, over 17 billion pounds of pollution would be removed from the air?
ENERGY STAR® products can help you save hundreds of dollars per year.
Upgrading to an ENERGY STAR® rated oil-fired furnace or boiler, you can reduce heating bills by almost 30 percent!
When you choose heating equipment that carries the ENERGY STAR®, you're creating a better environment both inside and outside your home. You'll be saving energy and money today - and helping to save the planet for future generations.
Conservation Tips
When it comes to energy savings, conservation is most important. There are many ways that you can conserve energy, that are fast and easy to implement. Here are some conservation tips for all seasons and all types of weather.
Conservation Tips for Cold Weather
- Sunshine! Windows on the south side of the house get the most sunlight. Eastern windows get sunlight in the morning. West facing windows receive sunlight in the afternoon. Open shades and drapes during the daytime to let the sun’s warmth enter your home, and close when the sun goes down.
- Close your kitchen vent, fireplace damper and closet doors when not in use.
- Remove air conditioning window units, or cover them well.
- Keep radiators free of dust for top efficiency.
- According to the U.S. Department of Energy, homeowners can save as much as 10 percent a year on their heating and cooling bills by simply turning the thermostat back by 10 to 15 degrees.
- Wrap your pipes, to guard against heat loss and prevent them from freezing.
- Avoid using space heaters. They're expensive to operate, and can be dangerous, too.
- Check your threshold for any gaps between it and the door. Use a bottom seal that can be attached to the bottom of the door — it should brush up against the floor to seal up the threshold. It virtually stops drafts.
- Get a heating system tune-up — it’ll ensure you get maximum performance from every drop of heating oil burned.
- Make sure you have good insulation on exterior walls, ceilings with cold spaces above, and floors with cold spaces below.
- Change the windows. Consider new low-emissivity glass, which will decrease radiant heat loss without lowering visibility.
- Upgrade your oil burner — a modern burner can cut costs by 15 percent.
Conservation Tips for Warm Weather
- Keep drapes, blinds and shades closed during the day to block out the sun.
- Move furniture away from air conditioning vents. Plant shade trees due west of west windows. It could reduce your air conditioning bills by up to 25 percent!
- Cook on the grill to keep cooking heat outside the home.
- When cooking inside, use a microwave instead of a conventional oven. It uses less than half the power and cooks food in about one-fourth the time.
- Install reflective window coatings to reflect heat away from your home.
- Use ceiling fans to cool your home — they’re much cheaper to operate than air conditioners, and moving air feels cooler, so you can keep your thermostat setting higher.
- Open windows on cool summer days and nights. A good rule of thumb is not to open windows when the outside temperature is warmer than the inside of your house.
- Change or clean your air conditioning filter monthly during cooling season to improve efficiency and the life of your air conditioner.
- Whenever possible, hang your laundry outdoors to dry.
- Install patio covers, awnings, and solar window screens to shade your home from the sun.
- Keep the coils of your central or window air conditioner free of dust and dirt.
Year-Round Conservation Tips
- Use compact fluorescent lights. They last up to 10 - 13 times longer than standard bulbs and use 75 percent less energy.
- Install dimmer switches. In addition to enhancing the mood, they'll extend the life of your bulbs and help you save up to 60 percent on your lighting costs.
- Lower the temperature of your water heater from 140° to 120°. You'll save 3 percent -5 percent in water heating costs for each 10° reduction. Or consider a timer to turn your water heater off when not in use.
- Don't keep your refrigerator or freezer too cold. Recommended temperatures are 37° to 40°F for the refrigerator and 5°F for the freezer.
- Don't leave the fridge door open! Every time you do, up to 30 percent of the air inside can escape. The same can be said for your oven.
- Use a covered kettle or pan to boil water; it's faster and it uses less energy.
- Air-dry dishes. Also, avoid using the heat-dry, rinse-hold and pre-rinse features.
- Choose a high-efficiency clothes washer and dryer. High-efficiency washers use half the water of standard models. High-efficiency dryers can save up to 30 percent in energy over standard models.
- Defrost food before cooking — you could save 30 percent to 50 percent on cooking costs. And pre-heat your oven only for baking.
- Install water-conserving fixtures, such as showerheads, faucets and toilets.
- Fix leaky faucets, especially hot water faucets. One drop per second can add up to 165 gallons per month — more than a person uses in two weeks.
- Install a programmable thermostat. When properly used, it could save as much as $100 or more off your annual heating bills.